Functionality of Free Software and Hardware in Signal Location

a case study, analyzing the use of SDR-RTL by the TDOA method

  • Pedro Tebaldi Medeiros da Silva
Keywords: Signal localization, TDOA, Free software


The SDR-RTL System has been increasingly explored in the field of signal localization. The disadvantage of the system was the need to position the desired signal. In situations where the emitter was located outside the triangle formed by the receivers, it was not possible to obtain its precise location; in the best case, the direction of the signal was obtained, but without a specific point for its position. Despite this, it presented significant advantages that led to the conclusion of its viability of employment. In addition to low cost and easy access, the processing of the system occurs in the digital medium, thus not depending on the accuracy of analogical components of the conventional radio. It was verified that the system can be installed indoors without losing its effectiveness, and it is not necessary to have places such as open fields or terraces of buildings for their proper functioning. Another advantage is the system interface, which facilitates both its operation and maintenance, as well as the large number of enthusiasts who share information and algorithms on various websites over the internet. In this work, it was verified that the tests performed were efficient and capable of being applied not only in the civilian medium, but also by the Armed Forces, with the advantage of reduced cost and lower personnel employment. 


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How to Cite
Tebaldi Medeiros da Silva, P. (2020). Functionality of Free Software and Hardware in Signal Location: a case study, analyzing the use of SDR-RTL by the TDOA method. Data & Hertz, 1(1 jan./Dez), 34-41. Retrieved from