Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio <div id="journalDescription"> <p style="text-align: justify;">A <strong>Revista Científica Fundação Osorio (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN: 2526-4818</a>)</strong> é uma publicação eletrônica dirigida pelo corpo docente da <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Fundação Osorio</strong></a> (Instituição Federal de Ensino vinculada ao Ministério da Defesa), tendo por objetivo dar visibilidade à produção científica nas áreas de Ensino e Educação. Sua missão é ser um canal de divulgação de estudos e pesquisas realizadas por docentes, pesquisadores e estudantes do Brasil e do exterior. Prioritariamente, a revista divulga trabalhos relacionados com os eixos fundamentais da Educação Básica (Ciências humanas e suas tecnologias; Ciências da natureza e suas tecnologias; Linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias e Matemática e suas tecnologias) e com a Educação Profissional de nível médio, nas áreas de Administração e Meio Ambiente. Possui periodicidade anual. A RCFO obteve o conceito Qualis B2, na última avaliação quadrienal (2017-2020) da CAPES. Estamos indexados nas seguintes bases, dentre outras: ROAD-ISSN, Google Scholar, SEER-Ibict, Diadorim, Latindex, Sumários, Livre, ResearchBib e SciJoIn.</p> </div> pt-BR Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2526-4818 Uma escola diferente. Luiz Sérgio Melucci Salgueiro Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 8 1 Writing screening: a necessary process for identifying and intervening in learning difficulties or disorders. <p style="text-align: justify;">The present work aims to present the results of a study on the screening of the writing of fifth grade students, carried out with 67 students from a federal public school in Rio de Janeiro, when returning to face-to-face classes. The Response to Intervention Model (RTI), is a very important methodology for professionals and families dealing with students' difficulties. Students demonstrated gaps in spelling learning and difficulty in organizing textual writing in the notebook, as well as difficulties in performing the correct movement of letters. Understanding the factors that involved the difficulties presented and the discrimination between learning difficulties and absence of teaching will serve as subsidies for teachers and managers to re-plan the didactic content, providing a rescue of learning that was not consolidated during the pandemic.</p> Cláudia Correia da Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-10-11 2023-10-11 8 1 1 15 In times of pandemic, the digital information and communication technologies in the state public education network in Boa Vista, RR <p style="text-align: justify;">The COVID-19 pandemic forced educational institutions worldwide to adopt emergency remote teaching to continue the academic year. In this context, teachers were required to daily reorganize their pedagogical activities. This period was both challenging and promising in the educational context, as it led to the expansion of digital technology usage in the teaching and learning process. This study discusses the role of teachers and coordinators in the final grades of elementary education in Boa Vista, RR, and their use of technology. The general objective of this research was to analyze the implications of the Implementation Plan for Non-Presential Activities in incorporating digital information and communication technologies into the pedagogical practice of remote classes in public schools in Boa Vista, RR, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical framework for this work drew from Kenski (2019), Oliveira (2021), Almeida (2020), Mayer (2020), Lacerda (2020), and Julião (2020), which provide concepts and definitions related to education, technology, and teacher training. This qualitative exploratory research began with a literature review and a review of official documents guiding school administrators and teachers during the pandemic. Data collection involved questionnaires for 12 responding teachers and interviews with four pedagogical coordinators in the state of Roraima. Content analysis was employed to identify the aspects explored in the studies, their theoretical references, and conclusions. Categorization was established to group them based on their objects and approaches. The results revealed a series of challenges and opportunities related to the adoption of digital technologies in remote teaching. The pandemic necessitated a rapid transition to the virtual environment, requiring teachers and educational administrators to adapt quickly and significantly. In this context, digital technologies proved essential tools for ensuring the continuity of pedagogical activities, offering support and opportunities for interaction between teachers and students. However, due to limited infrastructure and the availability of mobile devices, computers, and internet access among the population in public schools in Boa Vista, printed materials were also used to some extent to maintain the teaching process. Among the main challenges identified were teachers' lack of familiarity and proficiency with digital tools and the need to adapt pedagogical practices to the virtual environment.</p> Angelo Augusto Coelho Freire Sonia Regina Mendes dos Santos Mário Eduardo Coutinho de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-10-26 2023-10-26 8 1 16 31 Criminal dactyloscopy as a Motivational Theme in Chemistry Teaching <p>Observing the scenario of teaching chemistry in high school, where there are still great difficulties regarding teaching methodologies and also the acceptance of this science by students, this work brings suggestions for the use of the concepts of dactyloscopy, a specific technique of forensic chemistry, encouraging its use in experimental chemistry classes for 3rd grade high school students, in order to make a link between the reality of these students with the theoretical definitions of chemistry, thus making the teaching of chemistry meaningful.</p> Marcela Lopes de Moura Quina Kamilla Rodrigues Rogerio Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-10-26 2023-10-26 8 1 32 57 The Insertion of Information and Communication Technologies in the Education Learning of Young People and Adults <p style="text-align: justify;">The insertion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a challenging reality in public educational institutions. In Youth and Adult Education (EJA) this insertion becomes more difficult because it is a modality that serves an audience that did not have the opportunity to access education at the right age and that for the most part are associated with issues of social and economic inequalities. Therefore, this article aims to carry out a literature review with a view to elucidating how the inclusion of ICT in learning in Youth and Adult Education has been carried out. The methodology adopted followed the steps of a systematic literature review. After carrying out the research in the “Google Scholar” platform database, a total often articles were found that met the established criteria. The results of the literature review point to some aspects, among which stand out: ICT are used in most studies, however without presenting significant learning and the absence of public policies for training and acquisition of equipment promote the distancing of EJA in promoting quality education, ensuring equity in learning.</p> Carlos Thiago Cruz da Silva Greice Mara Monteiro da Silva Sonia Regina Mendes dos Santos Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 8 1 58 74 Protestant Installation and Religious Freedom Through Education: The Origins of the Debate in 20th Century, Brazil. XIX <p style="text-align: justify;">This research sought to analyze the arrival of the first Protestant missionaries in Brazil in the 19th century. The scenario found was that of an officially Catholic Empire, without religious freedom, however, tolerant of other religions due to intense trade with the English and the necessary immigration to gradually replace slave labor. Due to social clashes with the ultramontanos, radical Jesuit clergy, the missionaries sought strategies that would facilitate the installation of their churches. Education, implemented in the founding of schools at various levels, was adopted under liberal ideas, soon supported by various sectors of Brazilian society at the time.</p> Ricieri Alberici Neto Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 8 1 75 99 Biosafety as Our Topic: Looking at the Topic in the School Context <p style="text-align: justify;">Biosafety is an area focused on preventing, minimizing and eliminating health risks and has become a socially emphasized issue, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective of this study was to analyze specific approaches to Biosafety from 2017 to 2023, in the databases: Google Scholar, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and Scielo. We were interested in seeing how the Biosafety theme permeates the school and extra-school interaction processes. We used the following descriptors: Biosafety, Teaching Strategies, Science Teaching and Biosafety, Biosafety and school spaces and Biosafety Teaching. Academic productions relating the topic of Biosafety with the school context were analyzed. However, what is found in the literature analyzed from 2017 to 2023 are works mainly aimed at laboratory scenarios, giving little emphasis to the approach in school environments. The work methodology consisted of a systematic review of these productions through searches on academic work platforms. The findings of this review highlighted the need for more researchers to channel and expand the discussion of Biosafety to school environments, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic scenario, where the subject gained considerable publicity.</p> Felipe de Queiroz Chaves Maria de Fátima Alves de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 8 1 100 121 Weaving knowledge between History and Science: experience report in elementary school <p style="text-align: justify;">It is clear that the real world is not divided into watertight compartments, so bringing discussions into everyday school life that work on content in a connected way between disciplines can provide greater student involvement. This article presents the report of a transdisciplinary project between the subjects of History and Science proposed to 6th grade students of elementary school at a federal public school in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The aim of these project was to bring reflection on the processes and procedures of scientific research, contextualizing it with a practice originating from Ancient Egypt (mummification). After all the steps developed, a relationship was noticed between this experience and some of the students' responses in the test. This type of project enriches classes, but demands a large investment from the team involved, and it is essential that the institution provides more planning time, encourages the educator’s continuous development and invests in infrastructure.<br><br></p> Ana Paula Franchi Franchi Érica Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Dell Asem Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 8 1 122 138 Didactic Strategies´Analysis Developed in Science Education By Students´ Perception <p style="text-align: justify;">We are experiencing the post-truth era, which has led to widespread skepticism and discredit in Science. The reflection of this denialist movement is reaching schools that need to deal with the scientific literacy process of these students immersed in these issues. Understanding Science and its processes is essential for the participation of the youth in society. Selecting appropriate teaching strategies enables motivation and interest and this can contribute to the construction of learning by the students. This study aims to discuss the 6th grade elementary school students´perception regarding different teaching strategies developed in Science classes during 2022. This research of descriptive character, in a qualitative approach, was carried out using a semi-structure questionnaire applied to student from a public school located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The results show that the majority of the students evaluate laboratory classes and Science Fair as motivating strategies for learning Science. However, group work, which occurs in Science Fair projects or their similar proposals, is a limitation of this motivation, as many students consider this type of dynamic as a challenge. Proposals involving traditional teaching are also poorly evaluated by students, as these are boring and unrelated to the world around them. Therefore, this work proved to be important to bring reflection on students' perception of different teaching strategies, discussing and proposing activities that go towards the specific competencies of Natural Sciences provided for in the BNCC, taking into account the motivational factors for students, enabling the formation of the youth who are critical and aware of the demands of our modern society.</p> Érica Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Dell Asem Maria de Fátima Alves de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 8 1 139 155 Análise de um Portal de Ensino-Aprendizagem de Línguas para Fins Específicos Voltado para Militares que Estão em Busca de Certificação em Língua Inglesa <p>This article presents an analysis of the online and asynchronous English for Specific Purposes courses portal called "Habilite-se Já", which was designed specifically for members of the Brazilian Army seeking linguistic accreditation. The overall objective of the study was to analyze the "Habilite-se Já" portal in light of theories that support the development of materials for teaching English for Specific Purposes, with the aim of discovering whether learning is indeed tailored to the students' needs and understanding the role of the teacher in this context. The research was theoretically based on studies on the approach to teaching English for Specific Purposes. The study adopted a qualitative documental approach, in which the analyzed document was the teaching material used in the "Habilite-se Já" portal. Based on the results, it is suggested that future researches carry out a more comprehensive needs analysis, including interviews with students to better understand their goals, in terms of needs, lacks and wants. In summary, this study contributes to the improvement of the "Habilite-se Já" portal, with the potential to impact many servicemen and servicewomen who are seeking certification in the English language.</p> Jaqueline Melo Silva Silvia Matravolgyi Damião Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-08 2023-11-08 8 1 156 175 Brazilian Independence Bicentennial Project: the integrated planning process at Osorio Foundation <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims at presenting both the pedagogical practice and supervision in the final years of middle school (6th to 9th year) at Osorio Foundation integrated with the planning of the Bicentennial Project of the Independence of Brazil involving the whole school setting. It included the four fields of knowledge and their respective Curriculum components: Languages (Portuguese, Arts, Physical Education, English, and Spanish (only in the last year of junior high), Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Human Sciences (History and Geography). Upon the return to face-to-face classes, after COVID-19 pandemic in the year of 2022, the President of Osorio Foundation, aligned with the school community, encouraged the teaching sectors to develop pedagogic activities in honor to the Bicentennial of Brazil Independence. The project involved every school level, from the elementary to high, as well as its physical space. The junior high, the pedagogical team and the supervision sector planned the four steps of the project. They aimed at promoting a multidisciplinary thinking on the complex process of Brazil’s development as an independent State. It gathered information and proposed activities to help consolidate citizenship through well-informed, critical, and conscientious thinking. The importance of this project is unquestionable as it contributed to strengthening the sense of national belonging, enforcing mutual respect, and fostering patriotism as well as cherishing Osorio Foundation’s values: ethics, honesty, obedience, responsibility, loyalty, solidarity, and commitment.&nbsp;</p> Tatiane Sabino da Silva de Andrade Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 8 1 176 195 Sewage treatment using aquatic macrophytes in a vertical system <p>This article describes a study that investigates the effectiveness of a wastewater treatment system built from recyclable materials, with an emphasis on the use of sand and macrophyte plants. The system consists of four distinct stages, each playing a crucial role in purifying sewage. Positive results were obtained, demonstrating that the system is highly effective in removing impurities and pollutants from the water, significantly improving its quality. However, it should be noted that the treated water does not meet drinking water standards and is only intended for non-potable uses, such as toilet flushing, laundry, car washing, streets, and yards. This approach provides a sustainable solution for sewage management and contributes to the decentralization of the domestic sewage system.</p> Milene Nunes Berto Letícia Nunes Berto Anna Carolina de Oliveira Mendes Hugo Renan Bolzani Jeanine Salles dos Santos Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-24 2023-11-24 8 1 196 205 Fuel integrity and the Brazilian’s wallet <p>The present study aimed at assessing the adherence of gas stations in Rio de Janeiro city to the regulation <br>imposed by the Brazilian Oil Authority – ANP. It was based on the federal law n.º 9.478, from October 6, 1997, which states the proportion of anhydrous ethanol that can be mixed to gasoline commercialized in stations may range between 18 to 27,5%. With this in mind, fuel samples were tested both from branded and non-branded gas stations located in different areas in Rio de Janeiro city. According to the parameters established by law, it was possible to conduct an experiment to confirm whether gas stations were in accordance to law or falsifying the gasoline sold to the final consumer. Throughout the tests, other <br>question arose: is the Brazilian Oil Authority control less effective in low-income areas, such as the <br>coastal lowland, when compared to rich areas, such as Southern and Barra da Tijuca? This study was <br>developed at the Science laboratory from Fundação Osorio School and it was divided in phases of <br>acquiring the fuel from different areas, sample preparation and result treatment. As results, the study was <br>able to identify a sample containing a 20% mix of anhydrous ethanol in gasoline from a branded station in <br>Barra da Tijuca and another sample containing an 80% mix of anhydrous ethanol in gasoline from a non branded station in Engenho de Dentro</p> Juliana Fernandes da Silva Santos Gabrielle Fortes Gabriel Luciano Anna Carolina de Oliveira Mendes Aline Junqueira Maia Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-24 2023-11-24 8 1 206 213 Microalgae Farming: A More Sustainable Way to Reuse Wastewater <p>The ongoing economy and the rise in atmospheric pollution rates have been contributing to an increase in <br>the number of climate changing events which effects may be observed within this century. Furthermore, population growth and food demand will require even more amounts of nutrients used as natural fertilisers, such as Phosphorus, thus leading to its scarcity in the near future. In this view, a more sustainable way of dealing with resources must be implemented to the development of a more circular economy. Microalgae farming in urban areas is a sustainable and low-cost alternative for programmes aimed at reducing atmospheric CO2, besides the production of valuable subproducts, like biofertilisers. In scarcely arbored regions, microalgae aquariums may be complimentary used to water treatment. This study aims at assessing the potential for implementing microalgae aquariums as alternative to reduce not only the atmospheric CO2, but also contributing to reduce climate changing events at the same time it serves as sustainable biofertiliser producer. The study is in its initial stages of growing, microalgae adaptation and production of biomass. Next steps include physical-chemical analyses of total solids in order to estimate the amount of absorbed carbon, as well as in the biomass to verify its biofertiliser potential.</p> Dhomenique Lourenço Da Paz Hanna Hapke Lima Isabelle Ribas Guimarães Anna Carolina de Oliveira Mendes Hugo Renan Bolzani Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-24 2023-11-24 8 1 214 223 Disinfection in riverwater samples <p style="text-align: justify;">Water is a renewable natural resource, essential to all living beings on Earth. Pollution and quality degradation of this resource end up to a significant reduction of its availability for the general population at the same time it leads to loss in hydric safety. In this way, the present study aimed at carrying on a survey on water disinfection for a given river, with the clear purpose of finding a more efficient method of disinfection amongst four known ways of doing so, namely: chloride, UV light, ozone gas and fire heat for boiling water. To conduct the experiment, four scientific tests were carried, one for each method. All the experiments were conducted from a culture medium. A secondary interest would be which of the culture mediums would be the best in terms of large scale considering its cost. Thus, it was possible to observe that the chloride culture medium was the most efficient for cleaning, which led us to conclude it was the method chosen for disinfection in large scale also due to its cost in comparison with the others</p> Thayná de Jesus Giovanna Santana Maria Eduarda Pereira Amanda Farias Lopes Martins Ribeiro Larissa da Silva Ferreira Serafim Mariah Eduarda Lopes Barcelos Maria Luíza Pereira da Silva Anna Carolina de Oliveira Mendes Hugo Renan Bolzani Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-24 2023-11-24 8 1 224 233 Prêmio SAPOTI 2023: Sustentabilidade e Sociedade <p>For some decades now, the teaching of the Portuguese language has been treated as an important source of research for many authors in the area. In the current scenario, work with reading and writing in the classroom at basic schools has gained great prominence, since it is understood that it is through reading that the student has access to society's cultural assets and, through writing, that he is able to organize his thoughts. Therefore, this article aims to report my experience, during the Sapoti Prize 2023, an essay competition developed by the team of Portuguese Language and Arts teachers at Fundação Osorio, as a Writing teacher in the 2nd year of high school classes of the mentioned school. To support this report, the theoretical assumptions of Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY &amp; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) were used, which sees language as a system of signs capable of externalizing human experiences, since this theory sees the text as a potential for Meanings. In line with this thought, the Sapoti Prize believes that the school's main objective, in the area of language, is to stimulate students' written production, as it highlights the importance of working with text for building their knowledge. Therefore, the relevance of this work is to disseminate, in the teaching environment, different practices of working with textual production.</p> Marcelle Veridiano Candido de Souza Fernandes Carlos Augusto Pereira da Silva Alden Douglas Teixeira Ferreira Eduarda Mota Lutz Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-24 2023-11-24 8 1 234 243 Sarau em Comemoração ao Bicentenário da Independência do Brasil <p>The Literary Soiree of Independence project aims to awaken students' interest in the complex process of <br>building Brazil as an independent State, seeking to stimulate the reading and writing of 8th year students, <br>leading them to deepen the concepts of poetic language, the grammatical universe of the Portuguese<br>language, as well as encouraging orality and dramatization. Therefore, the Literary Soiree was born from the need to create a space where students could meet to express themselves artistically, sharing the knowledge accumulated from poetic production workshops throughout the year 2022, involving the school community in a moment of relaxation, where they could recite their own poems, as well as play, dance and act. Thus, this article shows the importance that school shave in providing strategies for improving teaching and learning that lead to the development of students as full citizens.</p> Simone Silva de Oliveira Tatiane Sabino da Silva de Andrade Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-24 2023-11-24 8 1 244 256 Ensino de Ciências Através de Metodologias Ativas <p>Trabalho submetido ao Projeto Mário Travassos 2022 do Departamento de Educação e Cultura do Exército (DECEX). Não há resumo.</p> Lucimara Lais Zachow Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 8 1 Educação Assistida por Tecnologias Digitais nos CPOR: Perspectivas, Lições Aprendidas e Oportunidades de Melhoria <p>Trabalho submetido ao Projeto Mário Travassos 2022 do Departamento de Educação e Cultura do Exército (DECEX). Não há resumo.</p> Rodrigo Teófilo da Silva Santos Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 8 1 A Crescente Importância do Papel do Monitor no Processo de Readaptação dos Alunos da Educação Básica no Período Pós Pandemia <p>Trabalho submetido ao Projeto Mário Travassos 2022 do Departamento de Educação e Cultura do Exército (DECEX). Não há resumo.</p> Cleiton Tibulo Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 8 1 Resumos do III Modelo Diplomático da Fundação Osorio FOMUN 2023 <p>Não possui resumo.</p> Leonardo Giorno José Vítor Palhares Rafaela Machado Joana Scorza Lucas Tarcitano Nicole Azevedo Giulia Gama Brenda da Hora Tainá de Araújo Maria Angélica Nascimento Suellen de Sant’Anna Brito Luana da Hora Santos Antonio de Faria George Xastre Rosário Marcelo Torres Ramos de Andrade Victor Leal Lima Ferreira Marina Ramos Fernando Oliveira Giovanna Canuto José Ricardo de Oliveira Araujo Breno Cardoso Bitencourt Marcelo de Souza Barbosa Filho Lia Almeida Nascimento Julia Trindade Roque Júlia Bahr Letícia Nunes Berto Nicolas Jesus Breno Luigi João Luiz Siqueira Copyright (c) 2023 Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 8 1