Mine action and the Brazilian participation in Humanitarian Demining missions

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Anderson Félix Geraldo


This article aims to explain what Mine Action is and show the Brazilian participation in regional and international programs. It seeks to report the work carried out by the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB) for the professional preparation of Officers and NCOs from the Brazilian and friendly nations Armed Forces, so that they can all be monitors and supervisors in Humanitarian Demining missions under aegis of international organizations. It also underscores the strategic and political importance of the Brazilian participation in Mine Action programs all around the world, projecting Brazil in the international scenario by means of CCOPAB.


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Biografía del autor/a

Anderson Félix Geraldo

Major. The author is a Captain of the Engineering Branch, who graduated from Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN) in 2002. He completed both the Demining Course in the Specialized Training School (EsIE, acronym in Portuguese) and the Humanitarian Demining Course in CCOPAB. He has been an Inter-American monitor from the Inter-American Monitors Group in Colombia in 2014. At present, he is an instructor of Humanitarian Demining in CCOPAB.