The Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center and its Mobile Training Teams an exquisite Brazilian tool for alignment with the United Nations in South-South Cooperation Activities

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Herbert de Souza Lemos
Vinícius Cordeiro Ramirez


The sustainable development of nations is a goal relentlessly pursued by the United Nations. Among the various measures adopted for a significant change in the power game, the decrease in the
dependency relation of the developing nations on those developed ones can be highlighted. In this context, cooperation among Global South States, composed of developing countries, is increasingly diverse and frequent, and comprises cultural, social, economic, and defense exchanges, among others. These activities were named South-South cooperation, and Brazil became one of the main cooperators, providing and receiving support from member States of the Global South and perfectly aligned with the United Nations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (BCA), coordinates with other Ministries various actions of international technical cooperation. In the face of a range of possibilities for the Brazilian participation in the South-South Cooperation activities, an effective tool emerges from the Ministry of Defense: the Mobile Training Teams (MTT). These Mobile Training Teams have been deployed by the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB, acronym in Portuguese) since 2014, under the guidance of the Ministry of Defense, sharing knowledge on
Peace Operations and Humanitarian Demining with excellence.


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Biografía del autor/a

Herbert de Souza Lemos


Vinícius Cordeiro Ramirez
