ATLAS-DET a code for calculating explosives thermodynamic properties

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Paulo Couceiro


The thermodynamic characteristics of industrial explosives can be quantified by calculating the chemical equilibrium of the system at high pressures and densities. Since most thermodynamic codes belong to public or private organizations, the development of an independent alternative becomes necessary to attend a growing demand for explosive modelling in various sectors of the industry. Thus, the objective of this paper is the elaboration of an ideal thermodynamic calculation code, called ATLAS-DET, based on the free-energ y minimization of the system and on the BKW and JCZ equations of state, for the characterization of the Chapman-Jouguet detonation state of industrial explosives. The results were validated for a group of explosives known as CHNO and have presented variabilities within the range of behaviour found by other authors and similar codes.


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How to Cite
Couceiro, P. (2021). ATLAS-DET: a code for calculating explosives thermodynamic properties . Revista Militar De Ciência E Tecnologia, 38(3), 82-96. Retrieved from