O diagrama de risco de superfície como uma ferramenta auxiliar no planejamento de operações ofensivas de uma força-tarefa blindada

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Fernando Henrique Moreira Marques


The current research aimed to provide a new tool so that those responsible for planning the offensive operations of the armored task forces can graphically visualize the effects of ammunition on the battlefield. These effects can be intentional, since the target is in a certain region, or unintentional, because the ammunition has pierced the target, because of an error in the target, because of the natural dispersion of the ammunition, because of the bouncing of it in some part of the ground or the target, or any combination of these factors, in addition to shrapnel area. With this, it is possible to avoid placing subordinate fractions in situations of risk of fratricide, minimizing the side effects of an operation in a specific location or region, viewing the appropriate moments for the establishment of coordination and control measures, among other possibilities that are added when using the Surface Danger Zone (SDZ) for planning these operations. The aim is to propose an Instruction book, so that knowledge is disseminated and used, with a target audience mainly the infantry and cavalry officers, responsible for the planning of offensive operations of an armored task force.


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How to Cite
Marques, F. H. M. (2022). O diagrama de risco de superfície como uma ferramenta auxiliar no planejamento de operações ofensivas de uma força-tarefa blindada. Giro Do Horizonte, 10(1), 56-65. Retrieved from https://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/GH/article/view/10092
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