O projeto Sistema Combatente Brasileiro (COBRA) os reflexos dos novos materiais na instrução individual do cabo e soldado do grupo de combate de cavalaria mecanizada

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Cesar Augusto Block Filho
Nelson de Souza Júnior


This research presents the impact on the military instruction at a Mechanized Cavalry Regiment (RC Mec), particularly the ones related to Corporal and Private from the squad, with the arrival of equipment from the Brazilian Combatant System Project (COBRA), especially the 5,56mm assault rifle, the holographic sight, the designated marksman scope, the laser sight and the night vision equipment. This study aims to propose updates for the Standard-Program used to plan the qualification of the squad’s Corporal and the rifleman Private, so that they can be fully capable of using the equipment received from the COBRA Project. The dissertation was developed from June 2020 to August 2021 with a bibliographical review, experiments during military instruction and exercises, questionnaires, and interviews. The bibliographical review, in general terms, carries studies
of both Brazilian Army and the United States Army Field Manuals; the experiments were conducted at the 11th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment, the project’s pilot unit, using the equipment already received; experiment 1 tested two proposed subjects arising from the bibliographical review and the author’s experience on the topic; experiment 2 studied what missions are executed by a squad, using the equipment, as part of a covering force from a movement to contact, regarding offensive operations. The questionnaires, applied to experienced military personnel and the interviews with specialists helped to enhance the data previously gathered. In conclusion, research questions were answered, reaching an instruction objective plan, organized in two subjects, which may be included in the Corporal and Private cavalry qualification, thereby providing a suitable planning for the equipment capacitation. This study’s contribution is to offer the Army servicemen trained to use high tech individual equipment, especially cavalry Corporal and Private.


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How to Cite
Block Filho, C. A., & de Souza Júnior, N. (2022). O projeto Sistema Combatente Brasileiro (COBRA): os reflexos dos novos materiais na instrução individual do cabo e soldado do grupo de combate de cavalaria mecanizada. Giro Do Horizonte, 11(1), 3-12. Retrieved from https://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/GH/article/view/10308
Scientific Articles
Author Biographies

Cesar Augusto Block Filho

Capitão de Cavalaria da turma de 2012. Mestre em Operações Militares pela Escola de Aperfeiçoa-mento de Oficiais em 2021. Foi Comandante de Pelotão de Cavalaria Mecanizado em 2013 e 2014; Instrutor da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras no quadriênio 2015-2018
e Comandante da SU (Esqd C Mec) piloto do Projeto COBRA em 2019 e 2020.

Nelson de Souza Júnior

Coronel R1 do Quadro de Material Bélico. Bacharel em Ciências Militares (AMAN/1982). Mestre em Ciências Militares (EsAO/1992).
Doutor em Ciências Militares pela Escola de Comando e Estado Maior do Exército (ECEME/1998).