Apresentação clínica do transtorno depressivo maior em militares do exército brasileiro: uma revisão sistemática

  • Eliane Schaeffer Escola de Saúde do Exército
  • Liuhan Oliveira de Miranda
  • Diogo de Souza Leão da Rocha Pereira


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental health disorder in the Brazilian Army (BA), where most of its members are healthy, young and fit men. In order to enable a better diagnosis and treatment of MDD in the military, predictive models (PM) were created in other countries, which currently do not exist in BA. This article aims to propose, for the first time, a predictive model of this pathology aimed specifically at the population group of military personnel in the BA. A systematic review was carried out based on the databases: Pubmed, LILACS and BDEX, where the search words: ‘depression’, ‘military’ and ‘mental health’ were used. A total of 190 articles were selected, among which 12 were chosen for the review composition after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The presence of two large international MPs (the STARRS-LS and Finnegan et al.) Was observed, which serve as a theoretical basis for the structuring of our MP, plus 3 articles belonging to the Brazilian army and allies on the Brazilian terrestrial border.


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How to Cite
Schaeffer, E., Oliveira de Miranda, L., & de Souza Leão da Rocha Pereira, D. (2021). Apresentação clínica do transtorno depressivo maior em militares do exército brasileiro: uma revisão sistemática. EsSEX: Revista Científica, 4(6), 7-14. Retrieved from https://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/RCEsSEx/article/view/8011