Intervenção do capelão em operações militares

proposta de aconselhamento pastoral para amenizar os efeitos da distância familiar e do estresse

  • Guilherme Estevam Emílio
Keywords: Military operations, Pastoral counseling, Stress in operations.


The article establishes a proposal of pastoral intervention for the performance of the military chaplain in off ensive, defensive, cooperation and coordination operations between agencies, aiming to provide chaplains with a pastoral counseling approach to alleviate the impact of family distance and the stress of the military on the context of operations. For this, the Religious Assistance in Operations Campaign Manual will be used in order to understand the basic guidelines for the chaplain's performance in military operations, in addition to other works in the area of Pastoral Counseling. At fi rst, it will seek to understand the off ensive, defensive, cooperation and coordination operations between agencies, emphasizing the role of the military chaplain in each of them. Next, it will be explained about the effects of family distance on the life of the military in operations and about the stress of operations. In addition, the importance of pastoral counseling and various types
of pastoral action will be highlighted, whose purpose is to spiritually nourish the military and raise the morale of the troop. Finally, the article will bring a practical proposal of pastoral assistance in the context of military operations. It is hoped that this work will help the military chaplain to have more literature that will help him in the good performance of his role in military operations.


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Author Biography

Guilherme Estevam Emílio

Graduado em Teologia pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Pós-graduado em Ciências Miliares
na Escola de Formação Complementar do Exército. Mestre e Doutor em Filosofi a pela Universidade
Federal de São Paulo.


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