The Influence of the spatial arrangement of the receivers of Electronic Warfare on the accuracy of the location by TDOA

  • Leonardo Possideli Moreira Exército Brasileiro
Keywords: Geolocation, TDOA, Geometry


This paper presented a preliminary study on the influence of geometries of receivers on the accuracy of the location by Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA). For analysis was considered a two-dimensional environment (xOy) in an channel fading by multipath. The location algorithm was based on the method of Chan and were tested the geometries in a line, curve, inverted curve and circular to identify space variables that are related to the root mean square error (RMSE) of the location.
The results demonstrated the influence of the intersection angle between hyperboles. For circular and curve geometries was observed an inverse relationship between the angle of intersection and the RMSE, with greater precision for angles near 90°. Other spatial variables such as the distance and shape, also influence the results accuracy. The line geometry did not provide valid results by the method of Chan. The conclusions have been  structured to identify rules to optimize the placement of receivers in order to increase the accuracy of the results.


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How to Cite
Possideli Moreira, L. (2020). The Influence of the spatial arrangement of the receivers of Electronic Warfare on the accuracy of the location by TDOA. Data & Hertz, 1(1 jan./Dez), 10-15. Retrieved from