The Cyber-Target listing process on tactical level

  • Vinícius Lacerda Vasquez
Keywords: CARVER Matrix, Cyber Warfare, MACE Taxonomy, Targeting


The Cyber War involves actions that contribute to the achievement of military objectives, being necessary its integration in operational planning. Thus, this article aims to present a proposal for the Cyber-Target Listing methodology during the
Military Decision Making Process. Therefore, qualitative research with a descriptive character was developed and, bibliographical and documentary research was employed, besides the inductive method. The research was also oriented to understand the necessary adaptations to the targeting process adopted by the Brazilian military doctrine due to the peculiarities of the cyber operating environment. The selection of research sources was based on articles by authors of recognized importance in the literary and academic circles, as well as publications with a high number of citations or on current open sources available on electronic websites. Thus, the Cyber-Target Listing methodology presented allows overcoming the peculiarities of the cyberspace, through the use of auxiliary tools. Initially, cyberspace is evaluated from the perspective of the informational dimension, to facilitate the understanding of the operating environment and the identification of cyber targets in the theater of operations. The acquired targets are then analyzed using the MACE taxonomy. Finally, the targets identified in the previous phases are selected and prioritized using the CARVER method, producing the Cyber-Target List. In conclusion, the article presents the validity of the proposed method, as well as suggestions for future work.

the Cyber-Target List. In conclusion, the article presents the validity of the proposed method, as well as suggestions for future work.


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How to Cite
Lacerda Vasquez, V. (2020). The Cyber-Target listing process on tactical level. Data & Hertz, 1(1 jan./Dez), 42-51. Retrieved from