Collaborative approach of Cyber Defense to protect critical infrastructure of interest for National Defense

  • Walbery Nogueira de Lima e Silva
Keywords: Cyberspace, Collaborative approach, Critical infrastructure


The cyber horizon of the next decade tends to broaden the global connection, bringing more users into this domain and expanding new technologies such as 5G networks and artificial intelligence. Threats can use cyberspace for actions that result in kinetic effects and nonkinectic effects on National Defense critical infrastructure (CI) with the risk of causing strategic paralysis in the countries, as occurred in the attacks on Estonia (2007) and Ukraine (2014). The Armed Forces are directly tied to this issue because they rely on private sector products and services to maintain their operationality and in case of an incident with severe crisis troops may be deployed. This essay moots the importance of collaborative approach
involving government, defense, academia and the industry, integrated with international cooperation in a unity of effort to enhance cyber resilience. It is presented the interagency exercise Cyber Guardian (CG) study case that is coordinated by the Brazilian Cyber Defense Command. The second edition of this drill, which took place in July 2019, was attended by companies and organizations from the electrical, financial, nuclear and telecommunications sectors as well as international observers from NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence and partner nations. The CG aims to practice decision-making processes and technical procedures. This article presents the exercise specification, lessons learned to increase critical infrastructure protection and CG evolution that in 3rd edition will have incident scenarios regarding cyber challenges for the next decade as well as the addition of air transport and water supply sectors. critical infrastructure protection and CG evolution that in 3rd edition will have incident scenarios regarding cyber challenges for the next decade as well as the addition of air transport and water supply sectors. protection and CG evolution that in 3rd edition will have incident scenarios regarding cyber challenges for the next decade as well as the addition of air transport and water supply sectors. incident scenarios regarding cyber challenges for the next decade as well as the addition of air transport and and water supply sectors.
supply sectors. water supply sectors.


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How to Cite
Nogueira de Lima e Silva, W. (2020). Collaborative approach of Cyber Defense to protect critical infrastructure of interest for National Defense. Data & Hertz, 1(1 jan./Dez), 52-59. Retrieved from