Application of the Monte Carlo Scanning method to the allocation of anti-aircraft artillery

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Wilson J. Vieira
Alexandre D. Caldeira


The Monte Carlo Scanning Method was developed in the Decision Support Systems Subdivision of the Institute for Advanced Studies to explore the speed of modern computers. The strategy used to address optimization problems has as its principle the thorough random sampling of the domain and the evaluation of the objective function. The Monte Carlo Scanning Method is applied to an antiaircraft artillery allocation problem. The results obtained for the analyzed problem are identical to the results of the literature, which used Dynamic Programming. Simplicity, ease of implementation, and the ability to quickly find maximized solutions indicate that the Monte Carlo Scanning Method can be considered as a powerful computational simulation tool for military decision support systems.


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How to Cite
J. Vieira, W., & D. Caldeira, A. (2022). Application of the Monte Carlo Scanning method to the allocation of anti-aircraft artillery. Revista Militar De Ciência E Tecnologia, 39(1), 10-14. Retrieved from