Evaluation of excess thermodynamic for high density fluids by hard-sphere perturbation theory - KLRR

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Paulo Couceiro


Theories based on statistic mechanics have proved to be a plausive alternative for predicting the thermodynamic properties of fluids at high densities and pressures. In this sense, the perturbational KLRR theory has permitted to obtain exceptionally accurate results when compared to Monte Carlo simulations. In the field of detonation science, and others such as geophysics or astrophysics, an equation of state capable of predicting the thermodynamic behavior of fluids in critical and supercritical conditions, with an attractive computational cost, is desirable. Thus, the implementation of the KLRR perturbational theory to evaluate thermodynamic excesses of high densities and pressures fluids is presented. Finally, the results obtained in this paper are compared to Monte Carlo simulations and other theories, such as the variational theory.


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Couceiro, P. (1). Evaluation of excess thermodynamic for high density fluids by hard-sphere perturbation theory - KLRR. Revista Militar De Ciência E Tecnologia, 38(2), 13-17. Retrieved from http://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/CT/article/view/8640