Effects of finite ground plane on impedance and gain of a quarterwave monopole antenna

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Fabiano Carvalho dos Santos Assumpção
Maurício Henrique Costa Dias


In tactical radio systems in vehicles or ships, it is common to use quarter-wave monopoles taking advantage of the structure itself as the ground-plane. Usually, a flat infinite perfect conductor ground-plane is assumed for analysis, especially when the structure length is few wavelengths larger. This work presents a numerical analysis of the antenna performance parameters for different sizes and geometric shapes for the ground-plane. Moreover, the monopole asymmetric positioning on the ground-plane is analyzed. Regarding the ground-plane size, it is possible to observe a good correlation between the simulated results and the literature. From the asymmetric positioning analysis, the main lobe of the vertical gain pattern tends to point to where there is the greatest portion of ground-plane left. In the horizontal plane, as the antenna approaches the ground-plane edges, it loses its circular behavior. The input impedance varies very little up to the natural resonance frequency.


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How to Cite
Assumpção, F. C. dos S., & Dias, M. H. C. (1). Effects of finite ground plane on impedance and gain of a quarterwave monopole antenna. Revista Militar De Ciência E Tecnologia, 38(2), 18-27. Retrieved from http://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/CT/article/view/8641