The feasibility of implementing measures to reduce water consumption in buildings in Brasília/DF

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Jorge Thiago Duarte da Silva Vianna


Population growth, the indiscriminate use of water and climate change have led to water supply crises. In this context, is Brasília, a highly urbanized area with a predominance of springs, long periods of drought and risk of shortages. Therefore, this work analyzed the feasibility of methods of reducing water consumption in residential buildings in the Plano Piloto, in Brasília. For the analysis, we determined the consumption pattern of housing units, the water consumption of the appliances and the need for construction work. The text considered the standard block type for the six-story Pilot Plan built on pilotis. No legislative requirement for installation was used. Savers have gained prominence in terms of feasibility and ease of installation.


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How to Cite
Vianna, J. T. D. da S. (2022). The feasibility of implementing measures to reduce water consumption in buildings in Brasília/DF. Revista Militar De Ciência E Tecnologia, 38(4), 16-25. Retrieved from