Analysis of Abstracts from the Aviation Area

patterns of textual and lexico-grammatical organization

Keywords: Military Education, RResearch articles’ abstract, Academic language, Pattern of textual organization


This article is part of Interdisciplinary Studies on Education, with a linguistic bias, describing the patterns of textual organization and lexicogrammatical choices of the abstract textual genre of academic articles in the field of aviation, collected in the journal Air Space Power Journal. The analysis was divided into two moments. The first one consisted of analyzing the patterns of textual organization, based on the proposal of Bhatia (1993) who, based on Swales (1994, 2004), describes movements and strategies commonly used in abstracts. The second one was the analysis of linguistic choices, which had the Systemic-Functional Linguistics of Halliday (1994) and Halliday & Matthiessen (2004, 2014) as theoretical-methodological support. The data allow us to say that there are, predominantly, three patterns of textual organization in the area and, with regard to linguistic choices, there are clusters (patterns of co-occurrence between lexical items, namely, groups of words that occur together frequently) that are used in specific movements and strategies to draw the reader's attention to the objective of the article, as well as the use of modality to express results and considerations about the research carried out


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Author Biography

Fernanda Beatriz Caricari de Morais, Academia da Força Aérea - AFA
Professora Adjunta IV da Academia da Força Aérea. Doutora em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem (PUC-SP), com período no Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Pós-doutorado na UFU (PNPD/CAPES) e na PUC-SP (PDJ/CNPq). Estudou English Grammar Skills for University Studies na Universidade de Malmö (Suécia). Professora do Mestrado Profissional em Educação Bilíngue do INES/MEC-RJ desde 2014. Membro do grupo de pesquisa internacional SAL (Sistêmica Ambientes e Linguagens) e, também, do Compreensão e produção escrita em Língua Portuguesa como Segunda Língua: experiências, desafios e perspectivas. Seus interesses de pesquisa estão relacionados com o uso da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional e da Linguística de Corpus para análise de diversos aspectos de uso da linguagem. Atualmente, analisa as características léxico-gramaticais de gêneros acadêmicos da área da aviação publicados em periódicos americanos.


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How to Cite
Morais, F. B. C. de. (2023). Analysis of Abstracts from the Aviation Area: patterns of textual and lexico-grammatical organization. Revista Agulhas Negras, 7(10), 172-191. Retrieved from