The Teaching of Information Operations in the Training of Combatant Officers in the Brazilian Army

Keywords: Information War, Information Operations, Military Education, Academia Militar da Agulhas Negras


Nowadays, sharing information has reached colossal levels that were unimaginable in the 20th century. In this context, the social transformations that were triggered mainly by the ICT and the cyberspace have deeply impacted the area of national defense with the emergence of the Information War and Cyber War. In this view, there is a need to investigate whether the training of the Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN) cadet satisfactorily encompasses these activities. This research is justified by the fact that these types of War have enormous potential to cause irreparable damage to the Nation-state. This research aimed to assess the level of knowledge of the AMAN 4th-year cadets, class of 2022, regarding information operations, which was conducted through the analysis of Discipline Plans (PLADIS) and the application of a questionnaire. It was found that there is no specific class time allocated to Capacities Related to Information: social communication and psychological operations. Therefore, it is suggested that the teaching of information operations should be systematized at AMAN and other military schools.


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How to Cite
Ribeiro, R. de Q. B., Silva, C. A. V., Néto Júnior, J. C. da S., & Macedo Junior, G. F. (2024). The Teaching of Information Operations in the Training of Combatant Officers in the Brazilian Army. Revista Agulhas Negras, 8(11), 110-129. Retrieved from

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