A Geometric Mean-Based Approach for Student Ranking

emphasizing consistency and mitigating the impact of outliers

Keywords: Statistics, Military science, Geometric mean, Arithmetic mean, Ranking


The arithmetic mean (AM) is conventionally employed as a measure of central tendency to rank students. However, it has limitations such as the susceptibility to extreme values and the disregard for the consistency of grades. This article proposes an alternative ranking method that prioritizes student regular performance throughout the course and minimizes the influence of outliers. A quantitative descriptive study with simulation was conducted in order to compare the traditional method with the use of the harmonic and geometric means. The results unveiled significant changes in the final student rankings, demonstrating that the geometric mean is the most suitable for recognizing high-performing students and highlighting those with the most consistent grades. The study contributes to the field of national defense concentration, opening venues for future research on the impact of performance consistency in the training of professionals in this field.


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How to Cite
Campos Leoni, R., Freitas Pinto, B., & Camillo, D. (2024). A Geometric Mean-Based Approach for Student Ranking: emphasizing consistency and mitigating the impact of outliers. Revista Agulhas Negras, 8(11), 44-55. Retrieved from http://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/aman/article/view/12541

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