The Political Crisis in Venezuela and the Impossibility of Intervention by Another State in the Light of International Law

Keywords: International law, Employment of force, UN Chater, Security Council, Political crisis in Venezuela


The main objective of this research is to present and discuss and the possibilities of using interventionist tools provided in international law face of the crisis in Venezuela in recent years. To this end, and in light of the 1945 United Nations Charter, possibilities of intervention by one State in another were explored as well as the role of the UN Security Council before situations that involve the discussion and possible actions which generate impositions (restrictions, sanctions, embargoes, among others) in a country. It is imperative for the understanding of the research to differentiate the employment of force between military and non-military sanctions and to highlight the gradual solutions for their deployment Moreover, the presentation and analysis of the ways of force employment, coded and not coded in the Charter, allow a better evaluation of what has been occurring in Venezuela, mainly, in the context of political, economic and civil crisis. The chosen methodology used bibliographical research techniques, based on the study of doctrinal books, articles, scientific journals, available legislation and news sites. It is proposed, without exhausting the theme, the adoption of dialogue, in order to enable a peaceful government transition.


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How to Cite
SIQUEIRA DE PONTES, L. D., & SIQUEIRA DE PONTES, K. C. (2022). The Political Crisis in Venezuela and the Impossibility of Intervention by Another State in the Light of International Law. Revista Agulhas Negras, 6(7), 57-75. Retrieved from