Migration Crisis in Venezuela: Reflections and consequences for the Brazilian-Defense in the fields of National Power

Keywords: Venezuela Crisis, Immigration, Brazil, Refugees, Reinstalation


The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the reflections and consequences for the Brazilian defense face of the Venezuelan migration crisis to Brazil, studying the geopolitical picture of the border region of two South American countries. In addition, aims to highlight the role of the Brazilian Armed Forces in the context of the Humanitarian Logistics Task Force in the State of Roraima. To this ed, bibliographical investigations were carried out, which used the techniques of examination and selection of the bibliography, analytical reading of the selected bibliography and classification. T material selection was made through the consultation to the historical collections of the Library of Escola Superior de Guerra and Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, the National Library, the Army Library and other higher education institutions. The paper presents possible geopolitical scenarios originating from the current migratory crisis in the neighboring country which may bring risk sand threats to the Brazilian territorial border control throughout its North Defense Arch (area). 


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How to Cite
ZENI, M. L. (2022). Migration Crisis in Venezuela: Reflections and consequences for the Brazilian-Defense in the fields of National Power. Revista Agulhas Negras, 6(7), 76-90. Retrieved from http://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/aman/article/view/8878