VIVER Program

the development of attitudes, values and socio-emotional skills within the Brazilian Military School System (SCMB)

Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Attitudes, Values and competencies


The objective of this study is to assess the importance of implementing the VIVER Program within the Brazilian Military School System (SCMB) and, thereby, contribute to the development of socio-emotional attitudes, values, and competencies of the students. The theme was chosen due to the relevance given to the comprehensive/integral education of students in Military Schools (CM), especially in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought significant setbacks to the teaching-learning process. As an acronym of the verbs Valorize, Inform, Watch, Encourage, and Respect (in Portuguese) - its 5 (five) projects that constitute the program's analytical structure - "VIVER" has positively contributed to changing the behavior of students in the System, making them more autonomous, critical, and reflective. Furthermore, the program supports the Pedagogical Project of SCMB 2021-2025 in improving the Competency-Based Education, which was implemented within the Army Military Schools in 2018, also collaborating with the Directorate of Preparatory and Assistance Education (DEPA) in the development and assessment of attitudinal contents of CM students. Thus, leveraging the author's experience as a Psychopedagogue and Director of one of the 15 (fifteen) Military Schools where the VIVER Program was first implemented, this paper also aims to highlight the emphasis placed on socio-emotional learning within the SCMB, consolidating principles and values cherished by the Institution, such as respect, camaraderie, loyalty, patriotism, and civic-mindedness.


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How to Cite
MAINIERI JUNIOR, I. (2024). VIVER Program: the development of attitudes, values and socio-emotional skills within the Brazilian Military School System (SCMB). Revista Agulhas Negras, 8(11), 24-43. Retrieved from