The Economic Impacts of the National Defense Policy and the National Defense Strategy on Brazil's Defense Industrial Base

  • Jairo Luiz Fremdling Farias Júnior ECEME
  • André Cesar Guttoski Lemos


This research regards the themes of Logistics, Military Administration and Science & Technology. The objective of this paper is to present the economic impacts arising from the National Defense Policy and the National Defense Strategy on the Defense Industrial Base (IDB), highlighting the renovation program case of the Brazilian Army's wheeled armored vehicle, which is called Guarani project. This research presents relevant aspects that add to the development of the defense economy sector. Regarding the methodology, it is a qualitative research, based on a bibliographical and documental review. Finally, there is a conclusion about the aspects related to the Guarani project, resulting from the application of the new inducting model of innovation, the Triple Helix, which contributes to the mitigation of the current national deindustrialization process, increases the autonomy of the Defense Industrial Base and favors national economic development.


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How to Cite
Fremdling Farias Júnior, J. L., & Guttoski Lemos, A. C. (2021). The Economic Impacts of the National Defense Policy and the National Defense Strategy on Brazil’s Defense Industrial Base. Revista Agulhas Negras, 5(5), 83-98. Retrieved from