Multiplicity of Fire Support Simulator of AMAN for Indirect Shooting

Keywords: Simulation, Fire Support Simulator, Military employment, Indirect Fire, Conducting a strike


The objective of this paper is to discuss the multiplicity of use of the Fire Support Simulator to conduct the indirect fire of the Mechanized Cavalry Platoon's medium mortar during its operations. This is an exploratory, hypothetical-deductive research, with qualitative-quantitative approach. Questions to be discussed: the use of AMAN fire support simulator, the procedures adopted for conducting indirect fire by cavalry troops, the necessary adaptations to infer greater realism and dynamism to the simulator by cavalry soldiers and, finally, the analysis of using this new methodology with a group of cadets, which aims to approach the main concepts as well as the different uses and difficulties encountered during the development of the activity. In this general panorama, the following will be approached: 1) the constitution of the AMAN fire support simulator, its equipment and functionalities, 2) the doctrine regarding the use of conducting and observing a mortar strike, 3) the necessary adaptations for the use of the simulator by a cavalry group, 4) a study using 2nd-year cadets of the Cavalry Course, making use of the Observation Post by the Group of Explorers who conduct the fire of the 81mm Mortar, as well as the instructors. In this way, we will try to demonstrate the multiplicity of use of the simulator and its importance as a training and teaching tool.


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How to Cite
ROLIM NETO, E. A., & Geraldo Neto, J. (2022). Multiplicity of Fire Support Simulator of AMAN for Indirect Shooting. Revista Agulhas Negras, 6(8), 196-209. Retrieved from