The Idiosyncrasies of the Virtual Environment

the metaverse as a new opportunity of action for the Brazilian Army social communication

Keywords: Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Social Communication, Social Interaction, Augmented Reality


This article addresses a specific type of virtual world, the metaverse, and the possibilities of action that social communication can exert in this new environment. The term is understood as synonymous with a virtual space, more specifically an augmented reality, which users access over the internet in addition to allowing interaction through a virtual representative figure, which is called an avatar. This article is inserted in this context. The objectives of this article are to focus on the peculiarities of social communication when dealing with the multiverse reality; as well as to highlight the importance of artificial intelligence in relation to the metaverse and the influences of the new digital universe for communication. For this, the article is based on a bibliographical research, based on analyses which refer to theoretical surveys on communication, written and electronic media, institutional websites and social networks of the Brazilian Army (EB), which focus on the structure of the social communication of the Brazilian Army in the virtual environment, as well as adaptations for its target audience. Through the analysis of virtual dissemination channels, it is now understood that social communication has the potential to approach the public by making use of the metaverse.


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How to Cite
Motta, T. B. da R. (2022). The Idiosyncrasies of the Virtual Environment: the metaverse as a new opportunity of action for the Brazilian Army social communication . Revista Agulhas Negras, 6(8), 182-195. Retrieved from