• Marília Araujo FERNANDES AMAN - ACADEMIA MILITAR DAS AGULHAS NEGRAS; Universidade Católica do rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)


The purpose of this article was to carry out a brief analysis on military leadership practices based
on concepts from the Speech Act Theory. It was a qualitative and interpretative study in which
lessons from Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) were presented, as well as the articulations
between language and leadership from Flores (1989) and Echeverria (1997, 2000). Finally, the
practical orientations for building military leadership were found in the Brazilian Army Manual of
Military Leadership in the light of the related compositions. The present analysis corroborates the
importance of face-to-face interaction between leaders and subordinates for the establishment of
efficient and empathic communication, resulting in a relationship based on trusting the
commander and encouraging the initiative of the commanded.


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How to Cite
FERNANDES, M. A. (2021). OS ATOS DE FALA E AS PRÁTICAS PARA CONSTRUÇÃO DA LIDERANÇA MILITAR. Revista Agulhas Negras, 4(4), 87-98. Retrieved from http://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/aman/article/view/7803