The Influence of the Learning Optimization Program on the Training of the Brazilian Army Combatant Sergeant

Keywords: Study Techniques, Learning Optimization, Combatant NCO, Brazilian Army


The Brazilian Army's career Combatant Sergeant undergoes a two-year training period, which involves theoretical and practical activities, encompassing intellectual and behavioral aspects. The massive number of activities reduces study time and requires greater commitment from the student. This study aims to demonstrate that the application and systematic teaching of pedagogical techniques can optimize school performance, as well as the assimilation of knowledge in the long term. Throughout the year, interventions were carried out with explanations, examples and exercises on learning techniques and resources. The results of the comparative analyses showed an improvement in the grades of most students. Part of the students adopted some techniques and showed a positive perception of the use of such techniques.


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Author Biography

Lorival de Souza LIMA JUNIOR, CIOpEsp - Centro de Instrução de Operações Especiais

Tenente Coronel da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras; Graduado em Psicologia pela Universidade Estácio Juiz de Fora; Pós Graduado em Psicopedagogia Escolar e Orientação Educacional pelo Centro de Estudo de Pessoal (CEP); Pós Graduado em Educação Especial  e Inclusiva e Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho pelo Centro universitário Internacional (UNINTER); Certificado em Coaching Profissional pela Federação de Coaching Integral Sistêmico (FEBRACIS) e Chefe da Divisão de Ensino do CIOpEsp.


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How to Cite
LIMA JUNIOR, L. de S., & ROCHA, D. G. (2022). The Influence of the Learning Optimization Program on the Training of the Brazilian Army Combatant Sergeant. Revista Agulhas Negras, 6(7), 107-125. Retrieved from