Ethics Statement

Ethics Statement

The Journal Revista Agulhas Negras (RAN) follows strict ethic values based and inspired by the concepts and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://) and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (

There is real and constant integration and dialogue with the scientific community in the area, which encourages the participation of the Editorial Board. On top of that, careful peer-reviewing, guidelines, editorial flow, and RAN's transparent reviewing criteria are also part of our transparent and tireless day-to-day work.

The main points that guide our actions, and which must be followed by all the participants during the editorial process, will be briefly discussed in the sequence. Exceptional issues or problems may be resolved based in the aforementioned codes.


a) Editors

RAN has an Editor-in-Chief, a Managing Editor and a permanent Editorial Board. On the occasion of Special Editions, guest editors will carry out the necessary scientific management. The members that make up the Editorial Committee and the Language Review Commissions are guest professors who help us maintain qualified scientific management. Namely: decisions about choices on which contents can provide the best scientific-academic content for readers; quality and veracity of scientific information presented by authors and reviewers. Editors must:

I- act to preserve confidentiality of the double-blind review and the privacy of all those who participate in the editorial process;

II- ensure a peer review of technical nature that is accurate, fair and based on the evaluation guidelines of the Journal;

III- accept or reject a submission solely and exclusively based on scientific merits and on its compliance with aim and scope of the publication, regardless of any social, political, religious, sexual or institutional issue.

In addition to the aforementioned duties, editors may refuse to edit submissions in which there are conflicts of interest of any kind, whether issues of collaboration or competition, self-authored submissions, and potential economic conflicts.


b) Reviewers

Peer-review is the essential process that assures the integrity of our publications. Despite being volunteers, the reviewers (assessors) have a critical and central role in the validation of the papers. They must also follow ethical precepts. reviewers must:

I- know and agree with the Jounal assessment /reviewing guidelines;

II- refuse to review submissions in which there are conflicts of interest of any kind;

III- refuse to review submissions in which, for any reason, the author(s) are recognized;

IV- request corrections and/or additions of references that are relevant to the topic addressed, especially if they are references of their own;

V- accept or reject a submission solely and exclusively based on scientific merits and on its compliance with the aim and scope of the publication, regardless of any social, political, religious, sexual or institutional issue;

VI- recognize and indicate to the editors, possible limitations as a reviewer that may impair the quality of the review;

VII - look for signs of plagiarism of any kind.


c) Authors

All authors are responsible for the submitted and published text. During the submission process, the main author to be contacted must be indicated. He/she will be responsible for the communication with the other authors throughout the editorial flow.

Submission that has results of research that were carried out in a situation of potential conflict of interest must contain, in a clear and prominent way, the declaration of the existence of this conflict.

The Journal may, if necessary, check the professional relationship with the institutions that were declared by the authors.


Simultaneous submission or published in other media

According to the Guidelines for Authors, it is not allowed to submit papers that are already under review, or published, in other journals. Even with substantial changes.

For cases in which the submitted papers are the result of thesis, dissertations or other kind of Final Papers, authors must inform the Editors in the “comments to the editor” field.  In such cases, the submitted papers must have their content modified and/or expanded, in addition to presenting the original results.


Plagiarism and Self-plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious ethical transgression, especially in scientific researching. Military perpetrators may suffer disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the Army Disciplinary Regulations (RDE) and also civil sanctions. The use of another person's work must be properly referenced in the submitted paper.

Plagiarism can occur in several ways, of which we highlight:

- absence of citation when using other people’s texts, whether literal (direct citation) or rewritten (indirect citation);

- use of other people's concepts or research without due recognition;

- use of images, figures, tables, charts, maps, graphs and other visual or structural elements without due reference. Even if adapted, altered, inspired by or based on the original;

- the non-recognition of co-authors, as in the results of group research with the participation of several researchers.

All submissions are previously analyzed during the Desk Review regarding the absence of citations (direct or indirect), whether in textual or visual elements, but, above all, with regard to the use of concepts, theories, or research by other people without due recognition.

RAN uses resources from the Dupli Checker software and Google Scholar searches, by sampling, especially for excerpts with no citations. The verification of plagiarism should occur again, in greater depth, at the reviewers’ discretion.

Suspicions of plagiarism will be investigated and in case of evident plagiarism, the Journal will reject the submission or will exclude the article if it is already published.

Self-plagiarism, self-citation or redundant publication occurs when an author publishes the same text or a significant part of a text more than once. Whatever the media or language, the repetition of previously published parts will only be allowed in the case of essential elements for the presented paper.


Authorship and contributions

Considering the multidisciplinarity characteristic of the NATIONAL DEFENSE area in which RAN is inserted, we, thus, understand that the relationship of authorship and contribution is not exercised in a clearly distinct way, as in specific areas such as in the pure sciences or in the medical field.

Therefore, RAN uses the Contributor Roles Taxonomy specification system (CRediT), maintained by the Consortia for Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI), and adopts a taxonomy with 14 different roles that can be assigned, either as authorship or contribution. However, considering the characteristics of the area and sub-areas, we considered only the author and co-author attributions as mandatory. Any other role must be informed in the “comments for editor” field and follow the taxonomy description.

* The description of each assignment is available at:

All authors are responsible for the content of the published article. The possible extra attributions contribute to a more precise identification of the role played by each author in the elaboration of the article. Especially if there are senior and junior authors/researchers, academic advisors and students working together.


Scientific Misconduct, Errors, Corrections and Retractions

We understand that the validation process by the scientific community brings candor and plainness to the scientific-academic dissemination process, fostering new knowledge and helping to break some existing paradoxes in the areas.

Some characteristics of the military sciences (which are permeated by the humanities and social sciences) allow different readings and comprehensions of the multiple themes that are published in Journal. In this regard, we reinforce that we are an open and diverse academic space that invites and encourages the academic and the professional communities to submit their texts, regardless of the theoretical and/or methodological approaches. However, despite the efforts of our editors and reviewers, there is the possibility of facing scientific and/or ethical misconduct, which must be corrected and/or retracted, or even sanctioned.

Any person or organization may request investigation of possible errors, inconsistencies, scientific misconduct or other ethical inadequacies of any article published in Revista Agulhas Negras through the e-mail address: All requests will be treated as confidential, unless otherwise requested.

We consider three different levels and actions:

1) minor corrections – these are non-intentional errors that do not invalidate part or all of the article and can be repaired with an erratum or correction and the publication of a new version (duly identified and highlighted on the site). Examples: mistaken attribution of authorship in citation, year identification, pagination, edition, version, among others.

2) corrections and retraction –errors that do not change the results presented, but may harm or cause harm to someone or some institution.

3) exclusion and retraction – for errors or serious ethical issues. Examples: apology for illicit actions and/or crimes and their authors; attacks on Institutions and/or National Symbols.

For all complaints, author(s) will be informed so that they can be heard in order to present their justifications. The analysis of the case will be carried out by the editors who, depending on the complexity of the case, may count on the support of members of the Editorial Board, who will be summoned to mediate, analyze, criticize the case and validate the editorial decision.

The entire process involving the deletion of a published article will be available for consultation on the same link where it was originally published, keeping the necessary confidentiality.

In case of evidence of plagiarism or any type or false, fraudulent, unethical content/action in any submission, the author(s) will be informed and must present their justifications. In case of clear malicious intent, RAN will contact the ethics committee of the author's institution (if applicable), the submission will be deleted and any future submission by the same author(s) will be refused.


Conflicts of interest

RAN follows the definitions and recommendations of FAPESP’s “Code of good scientific practices” ( on conflicts of interest:

3.4.1. A potential conflict of interest occurs in situations in which the researcher’s due interest in advancing science and interests of another nature, even legitimate ones, can be reasonably perceived as conflicting and prejudicial to the objectivity and impartiality of scientific decisions, regardless of the researcher’s intent or knowledge thereof.

3.4.2. In these situations, based on the nature and gravity of the conflict, the researcher should consider his or her aptitude to make decisions and whether he or she should abstain from making them.

3.4.3. In cases in which the researcher is convinced that a potential conflict of interests will not jeopardize the objectivity and impartiality of his or her scientific decisions, the existence of the conflict should be clearly disclosed to all parties involved in these decisions immediately after these decisions have been made.


Within RAN's publishing areas, we see some situations where there may be potential conflicts of interest and which should be looked into by authors, reviewers and editors.

Articles dealing with topics:

- related to the Defense industry. Especially when dealing nominally with either public or private companies: the attention not to belittle or criticize negatively this type of company; the exposure of confidential matters; action for self-interest and; the mention of people's names and their positions without proper authorization are the most striking examples.

- related to institutions and projects, especially if the author(s) are directly part of the reported process.



Revista Agulhas Negras is a nonprofit academic journal based on the Open Access policy and, therefore, all content is fully available.

All information, images, figures or any other kind of graphic elements contained in the submissions must be in accordance with our licensing, and with the due credits.


Since 2021, RAN is licensed under the conditions of Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) , available at:

Authors are the copyright holders of their articles, without restrictions.

Under the CC-BY 4.0 license, you are free to:

Share – copy and distribute the article in any format.

Adapt – remix, transform and create new versions of the article even for comercial purposes.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.