In a world of transnational threats can we allow states to fail?

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Sérgio Luiz Tratz


This paper discusses thephenomenon of failure of states like an international security problem andwhether in a globalised world we can allow states to fail. The analysis usessome steps to develop the theme: firstly, the main theoretical concepts areintroduced, almost all of which are linked with the functions of the state, andalso the problem of measuring and ranking failed states is analysed. Secondly,the principal threats to international security, and the connections betweenthose threats and failed states, are examined. Thirdly, the problem ofinternational aid and the question of state-building is addressed. Finally, theconclusion presents fundamental reasons not to allow states to fail.


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How to Cite
TRATZ, S. L. In a world of transnational threats can we allow states to fail?. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 8, n. 32, p. 143-148, 29 Aug. 2014.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Sérgio Luiz Tratz, Estado-Maior do Exército, Brasília, DF, Brasil

Coronel de Infantaria; Formação: AMAN (1986); EsAO (1995); ECEME - Mestrado em Ciências Militares (2001); Pós-Graduação em História Militar - UNIRIO (2005); Royal College of Defence Studies - Reino Unido (2012); Mestrado em Segurança Internacional e Estratégia - King's College - Reino Unido (2012)Função Atual: Ch da Seç de Planejamento e Acompanhamento Orçamentário da 6ª SCh/ EME