CMM (Meira Mattos Collection) adopts the Brazilian standards for references and citations, respectively ABNT 6023: 2018 and 10520: 2002.

For authors who are not familiar with the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standard, we ask that you adapt your citations and references as much as possible according to the following examples. All references and citations will be reviewed by experts, ensuring their uniformity. However, standardized articles will not be accepted in other presentation standards.


Identification of authorship and location in the original source

- Calls from authors must be made in the normal font when outside the parentheses and in capital letters when inside the parentheses.


- General Carlos de Meira Mattos (1984, p. 3) defines "In general terms, we understand Geopolitics as the 'policy applied to geographical spaces.' [...]. If we accept it, Geopolitics is based on Geography, drawing from it the means necessary for the realization of the interests of the State. "

- Estimates of the sizes of these indigenous populations vary according to the different authors (DENEVAN, 1976; MANN, 2006; HEMMING, 2007, 2008, 2009; RIBEIRO, 2010).

Direct citation

- In the direct citations, the year of publication and the page (s) must be specified. When there is no page code, use the acronym "n.p." (non-paged).

- The direct citation up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

- The direct citation with more than three lines must be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation of the left margin, with lower letter than the text used and without the quotation marks.

- The deletion, additions or comments must be indicated in brackets.

- The highlights made by the author must be informed after the indication of the page with the expression "emphasis added"

- CMM (Coleção Meira Mattos) translates articles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Therefore, direct citations in these languages ​​must be translated into the primary language of the submission, and the original source text must be included in footnotes. The purpose is to ensure that the direct citation is true to the source language when the article is translated. The word "our translation" must be included after paging information.


The Constitution of 1988 in its article 142 establishes that "The Armed Forces [..] are intended for the defense of the Mother Country, for the guarantee of constitutional powers and, on the initiative of any of them, law and order" (BRAZIL 1988, n.p., emphasis added)

“[...] Brazil has so far been victorious in the strategy of expanding its presence in the South Atlantic thanks to the expansion of the economy and the successful actions of diplomacy " (COSTA, 2012, p. 21).

The process of transformation of the Brazilian Army

[...] is in its initial phase and that the structural changes that have occurred since 2012, even if they are quantitatively significant, do not represent, necessarily that a transformation is occurring, but that constitutes a structural rearrangement with the objective of preparing the Force to effectively begin its process of transformation (MAIA NETO, 2015, p. 203)

Upon arriving in Quito, Peru, the Spanish conqueror Gonzalo de Pizarro heard from an expedition that had returned from the headwaters of the Amazon: "[…] a expedição ouviu rumores de uma terra tão rica em ouro que o seu governante ungia regularmente a sua pele com o metal precioso. Ele tornou-se coberto de ouro, dourado, e assim o seu reino fantástico era conhecido como ‘La Canela’ ou ‘El Dorado’ "(HEMMING, 2008, p. 20)1.

In the footnote:

1 Original: “[…] the expedition heard rumors of a land so rich in gold that its ruler regularly anointed his skin in that precious metal. He became gilded, dorado; so, his fantastic kingdom was known as La Canela or El Dorado”


We adopted the author-date system for the citations and list of references at the end of the article, arranged in alphabetical order of the author's surname. Only references cited in the text must be included.

Books and part compilations

Essential elements: author, title, subtitle (if any), edit (if any), place, publisher, and date of publication. For chapter compilations, the range of chapter pages should be included.

CLAUSEWITZ, Carl von. Da guerra. São Paulo: WMF Martins Fontes, 2017.

CASTRO, C.; D’ARAUJO, M. C. (org.). Democracia e Forças Armadas no Cone Sul. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2000. Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

OLIVEIRA, E. R. DE; SORAES, S. A. Brasil: Forças Armadas, direção política e formato institucional. In: CASTRO, C.; D’ARAUJO, M. C. (org.). Democracia e Forças Armadas no Cone Sul. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2000. p. 98-124. Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

Note: For several titles of the same authorship, these ones must be repeated and not replaced by a lower line (underline).

Journal articles

Essential elements: author, title of article or subject, subtitle (if any), journal title, subtitle (if any), place of publication, year numbering and / or volume, number and / or edition, volume), start and end pages, and date or period of publication.

VILLA, R., SOUZA PIMENTA, M.. Violent non-State Actors and New Forms of Governance: Exploring the Colombian and Venezuelan Border Zone. Journal of Human Security, [S.l.], v. 15, Issue 1, p. 6-19, Mar. 15, 2019. DOI: Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

COSTA, W. M. da. Projeção do Brasil no Atlântico Sul: geopolítica e estratégia. Revista USP, São Paulo, n. 95, p. 9-22, 30 nov. 2012. Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

Note: It is always necessary to include, whenever it is possible, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number and the article access link.

Theses and Dissertations

MAIA NETO, J. As novas demandas de segurança e defesa nacional e seus impactos na transformação organizacional dos ambientes militares, em especial, do Exército Brasileiro. 2015. 231 p. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

PEDROSA, F. V. G. Da República Dominicana ao Haiti: tropas brasileiras em missões de paz. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado em História Comparada) - Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2013.


BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Brasília, 1988. Disponível em: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

Other examples

NAÇÕES UNIDAS. Declaração universal dos direitos humanos. Rio de Janeiro: Centro de Informação das Nações Unidas para o Brasil, 2009. Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

UNITED NATIONS. The universal declaration of human rights. Paris: United Nations, 10 Dec. 1948. Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.

RAMOS, C. E. F. A requisição e a mobilização nacional: aplicabilidade à luz do direito administrativo. In: Encontro Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa, 5., 2011, Anais [...]. Fortaleza: ABED, 2011. p. [1-12].

VILLAS BÔAS, E. General Eduardo Villas Bôas fala sobre carreira militar e entrada das mulheres no exército. Entrevistador: Pedro Bial. [São Paulo]: globoplay, 19 set. 2017. 1 vídeo (5 min e 37 seg). Available at: Accessed on: Fev. 19, 2021.