The Revista Científica Fundação Osorio (ISSN: 2526-4818) is an electronic publication directed by the faculty of the Osorio Foundation (Federal Education Institution linked to the Ministry of Defense), with the objective of giving visibility to scientific production in the areas of Teaching and Education. Its mission is to be a channel for the dissemination of studies and research carried out by teachers, researchers and students from Brazil and abroad. As a priority, the magazine publishes works related to the fundamental axes of Basic Education (Human sciences and its technologies; Natural sciences and its technologies; Languages, codes and its technologies and Mathematics and its technologies) and Professional Education in the areas of Administration and Environment. The magazine also accepts work done by professional and undergraduate students, as long as they are guided by a professor or researcher. It has annual periodicity.

RCFO is indexed on the following bases, among others: ROAD-ISSN, Google Scholar, SEER-Ibict, Diadorim, Latindex, Summaries, Free and ResearchBib.