Environmental education and teaching chemistry: encouraging formation of sustainable attitudes and values through the study of batteries in high school

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Diego da Silva Bezerra
Paulo Sérgio Alves de Souza
Fábio Merçon


The promotionof Environmental Educationthroughtheteachingofconcepts in theChemistry discipline isshowntobe a viablealternativetopromotesignificantchanges in therelationshipbetweensocietyandnature. In thepresentwork, an approach for teachingbatterieswasdevelopedwhere a socio-environmentalviewoftheconceptswasprioritized, in additiontopromoting debate andraisingreflectionsabouttheenvironmentallycorrectdisposalofthesematerials. The resultsofthisworkshowedthat it is possible to positively impact students, through the teaching of chemistry, making them understand the relation ships that human beings play in nature anddevelop in the same sustainable attitudes and values.


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How to Cite
Bezerra, D. da S., Alves de Souza, P. S., & Merçon, F. (2021). Environmental education and teaching chemistry: encouraging formation of sustainable attitudes and values through the study of batteries in high school. Scientific Journal Foundation Osorio, 6(1), 72-85. Retrieved from http://ebrevistas.eb.mil.br/rcfo/article/view/8922
Author Biographies

Diego da Silva Bezerra, Fundação Osvaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ)

Mestre em química pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Paulo Sérgio Alves de Souza, Fundação Osorio

Doutor em química pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Professor Titular da Fundação Osório.

Fábio Merçon, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Doutor em engenharia química pela Universidade do Federal do Rio de Janeiro e Professor Titular da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro