The Logistics at the Battle of Tannenberg the high price of incompetence

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Rodrigo Tavares Ferreira


The term Logistics is very broad, covering activities such as acquisition produtcs, transport, distribution and sustainment by the user. Logistics began to be studied scientifically, in the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, by authors such as Clausewitz and Jomini. The present work has the general objective of analyzing the logistical support to the German na Russian armies, and how they influenced the outcome of the Battle of Tannenberg, which took place during the Great War. The methodology used was process tracing, supported by na extensive bibliographic research. As a result, the inefficiency of Russian army logistics was found to have a major contribution to Germany’s final victory at Tannenberg. In addition, they had implications for Logistics with new concepts, such as the Supply Chain, and its division into strategic, operational and tactical levels.

Keywords: Logistics. Army. Tannenberg


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How to Cite
FERREIRA, R. T. The Logistics at the Battle of Tannenberg: the high price of incompetence. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 17, n. 58, p. 95-115, 31 Jan. 2023.
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