The symbiotic relationship between media, terrorism and major sporting events

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Alexandre Simioni


The purpose of this article is to briefly present some considerations on the relationship between mass media, terrorism and major sporting events, deepening the issue of media responsibility to cover possible terrorist incidents in major sports competitions such as the World Cup. World and Olympic Games. Initially, some of the biggest terrorist attacks ever carried out at major sporting events during the twentieth century will be presented, highlighting the incident during the 1972 Munich Olympics, to exemplify the interest of terrorist organizations in carrying out their attacks at events of this kind. in the face of the publicity these competitions provide. Subsequently, the symbiotic relationship between terrorist organizations and the media, particularly the mutual interests in publicizing their attacks, will be discussed. Finally, some academic and practical considerations will be presented on what is considered to be a responsible stance of the media in major sporting events, in order to contribute to the establishment of efficient public policies for this sector, during the planning of the World Cup security. World 2014 and the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.


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How to Cite
SIMIONI, A. The symbiotic relationship between media, terrorism and major sporting events. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 25, 14 Jul. 2012.
Author Biography

Alexandre Simioni, Chefe da Divisão de Trabalhos Acadêmicos do Centro de Estudos do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais


Oficial do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais da Marinha do Brasil. Possui graduação em ciências navais pela Escola Naval (EN – 1997), Mestrado em História Comparada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - 2008) e Mestrado em Operações Militares - Exército Brasileiro (EB - 2004). Exerceu a função de Observador Militar na Missão das Nações Unidas no Sudão (UNMIS, 2009-2010). Atualmente exerce a função de Chefe da Divisão de Trabalhos Acadêmicos do Centro de Estudos do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais e de Editor-chefe da Revista Âncoras e Fuzis.