Conflicts in South America: consequence for the brazilian army

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George Luiz Coelho Cortês (org)


This  work  summarizes  the  content  of four lectures about prospects of conflicts in  South  America  and  its  consequences for  the  Brazilian  Army.  Thus  it  approa-ches  tensions  that  can  cause  further  em-ployment of the Brazilian Armed Forces. The ideas shown in the lectures were collected  during  a  symposium  carried  out by the Army Staff, in 25 and 26 of Sep-tember,  2006.  Speakers  from  different origins  were  in  the  event,  such  as  post-graduation  professors,  employees  of  the International Relations Ministry and two officers, on behalf of the Defense Minis-try,  in  addition  to  the  symposium  orga-nizer. The conclusion signals that the re-lationship  between  regional  forces  tends towards certain equilibrium and that the prospects  of  conflicts  in  South  America are not medium-term. In spite of that, the circumstances  require  Brazil  to  be  care-ful, in the sense of it preparing the Land Force  to  employ  the  offensive  strategy, what demands greater attention.


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CORTÊS (ORG), G. L. C. Conflicts in South America: consequence for the brazilian army. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 16, 1 Dec. 2007.
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