The military and public security

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Centro de Estudos Estratégicos do Exército


This  work  summarizes  the  content  of the lectures presented during the sympo-sium  “Armed  Forces  and  Public  Securi-ty”, promoted by the Army Staff from 02 to 03 May, 2007, under the coordination of the Army Center for Strategic Studies. Aspects related to the employment of the Armed Forces in guarantee of law and or-der operations and to the public security crisis in Brazil are discussed in the points of  view  of  a  professor  and  constitutio-nalist  lawyer,  of  the  Army  Staff,  of  the Commander of the Military Police in Sao Paulo and of the current and former Na-tional Secretaries of Public Security.


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EXÉRCITO, C. DE E. E. DO. The military and public security. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 15, 1 Aug. 2007.
Scientific Articles
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Centro de Estudos Estratégicos do Exército