The mobilization planning in the Brazilian Army to meet the employment hypothesis, its conditions and the integration with the logistics system.

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Piraju Borowski Mendes


 After  understanding  the  military  con-ceptions  of  the  expressions  “Mobiliza-tion” and “Logistics” as well as their his-torical evolution, it becomes evident the impossibility  of  planning  Logistics  with-out considering the complementary Mo-bilization. In the same way, Mobilization only makes sense if aligned with Logistics that,  in  its  turn,  will  offer  feasibility  to the  planned  maneuver.  The  maneuver has the Hypotheses of Employment (HE) as its base, their variants and conditions, and  is  expressed  by  the  Campaign  Plans of the Military Commands Region, which contemplate various scenarious. The pro-posal  of  this  study  is  to  conceive  a  mo-bilization  planning  method  to  supply, the  needs  of  the  HEs,  their  conditionals and  the  integration  with  the  Logistics System. It is important to the planner to know how and when to implement new Military Organizations, how to mobilize industries,  health  facilities  and  storage sheds deposits of supplies and how to ob-tain and to distribute material and human resources (chapters 5 to 9), gathering the logistics  functions  “Human  Resources”, “Supply”   and   “Transport.”   The   plan-ner  is  also  supposed  to  consider  the  as-pects  inherent  to  the  logistics  functions: “Maintenance”,    “Health”,    “Engineer-ing”  and  “Rescue”  (chapter  10).  Finally, a mobilization planning method (chapter 11)  is  presented  in  this  research.  This method, for a better integration with the Logistics System, is based on each one of the  logistics  function.  The  Mobilization proceeds,  then,  beyond  the  evolution  of the  “Military  Structure  of  Peace”  to  a “Military Structure of Defense”: provid-ing the support continuity. The planning begins  at  the  Ministry  of  Defense,  that defines  the  HEs,  that  have  to  beconsidered by the Terrestrial Operations Com-mand  (COTER)  while  drawing  up  its Draft  Plan  of  Management  (DPOM)  to the Military Commands. The maneuvers created  by  these  commands  and  shown in their campaign plans, define the limits of possible Theaters of Operations, avail-able forces, the troop concentrations, etc forming  “scenarious.”  These  scenarious guide  logistics  plans  that  guide  the  mo-bilization  plans.  Therefore,  the  logistics organization  in  peace  time,  the  military region  (RM), whether  evolving  into  act-ing in theaters of operations (TO) or in-ner  zone  (ZI)  will  plan  the  mobilization through the analysis of the logistics func-tions  in  each  scenario.  Following  this method, the Mobilization planners of the military  regions  will  create  and  mantain an  update  database  from  companies,  in-dustries,  reservists,  facilities,  specialized personnel, etc, as described in this study, in order to mobilize personnel, facilities, of equipments and supplies without wast-ing of time or of financial resources.


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How to Cite
MENDES, P. B. The mobilization planning in the Brazilian Army to meet the employment hypothesis, its conditions and the integration with the logistics system. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 15, 1 Aug. 2007.
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