The participation of Army Organizations in the Development of a Defense Mentality in Brazil

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Piraju Borowski Mendes


A manuscript known as "Immortal Commitment", 1645, is the first known manifestation of the mentality of defense of the "Patria" in Brazil. Independence and Republic were proclaimed without a national mobilization around the theme "defense"; the War of the Triple Alliance (1865-1870) and Brazil's participation in the 2nd World War (1943-1945) did not ignite the Brazilian people to the need to think about defense: it was not perceived then, nor is it perceived today, that Brazil is under threat. On the other hand, the Brazilian Army enjoys high levels of credibility and respectability. In their passage through military service, young people internalize important values such as civic pride, patriotism, responsibility, honesty, team spirit, sense of duty and defense mentality. Interactions between military organizations and civilian segments of society contribute to develop a defense mentality. What are the initiatives leading to this? What environmental conditions favor this mentality? Which of them are subject to duplication? The aim of this study is to investigate the contribution of military organizations to develop a defense mindset in Brazil.



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How to Cite
MENDES, P. B. The participation of Army Organizations in the Development of a Defense Mentality in Brazil. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 9, n. 35, p. 357-368/369, 31 Aug. 2015.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Piraju Borowski Mendes, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército

Oficial de Cavalaria do Exército Brasileiro (AMAN, 1987); especialista em Metodologia das Ciências, em Comunicação Social e em História Militar; graduado, mestre e doutor em Ciências Militares; mestre em Operações Militares; lecionou Comunicação Social na ECEME (2006 a 2008), logística no CESCAGE (2009) e é professor pesquisador do PPG em Engenharia de Produção da UTFPR (Campus Ponta Grossa-PR); cursou Especialização em Gestão de Recursos de Defesa (2012) pela ESG, na FIESP.