The national defense strategy and the union budget

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Marco César de Moares


The present article has the purpose of awaking the attention and the interest ofcivilians and militaries for the subjects of Defense and the respective necessaryresources, being them is they proceeding from the Budget of the Union or other sourcesand than winning the precarious perception of the relative subjects to this matter. For this it approaches the National Strategy of Defense (NED) and the Budget ofthe Union, searching to show its objectives, characteristics and peculiarities, essentialsthemes and of great concerning of the militaries. The National Strategy of Defense present in all the expressions of the National Power, projects the reorganization of the structure of the three Armed Forces, thetechnological development, with the consequent reorganization of the industry ofmaterial of defense and the maintenance of the obligator military service with theparticipation of the Brazilian society being extended. The defense of Brazil has to be understood as sine qua non condition for thenational development contributing for a true integration of the military power with thecivil power. At this manner the Defense Ministry searches to reach the space that fits to it tooccupy in the decisiveness nucleus of the government being allowed that the ArmedForces acting of integrated form are heard in the highest instance decision of the Country.  For these and other reasons wanted a proposal that guarantees continued financialresources for intermediary of action directed to the facilitation of the conditions nationalpolitics, toward the accomplishment of projects related to the National Defense, themedium and long term, contributing to the well-being of the Country.


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How to Cite
MOARES, M. C. DE. The national defense strategy and the union budget. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 21, 11.
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