The challenges imposed to Europe by the Islamic State

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Francisco Xavier Ferreira de Sousa


The Islamic State has been terrorizing the world with its barbaric actions, bringing to mind the ignominy that stigmatized it, and that was perpetrated in the first half of last century, under the epithet of sectarian and hegemonic policies. Combining practices of the past and modern techniques, the Islamic State has been attempting to conquer its caliphate, wishing for apocalyptic events, expecting that the end of times is near. With an ideology based on religious radicalism, the Islamic State tries to establish itself as the sole entity capable of purifying the world, by wiping out the impure. The ISIS cause has attracted a large number of young people looking for things the society where they grew did know how, or was unable, to give them. Solutions to current problems must be found and implemented by joint efforts from all countries, without distinction of religion or culture. It is just by understanding the facts we are witnessing that we will be able to handle the challenges posed by the threats the Islamic State represents, and find strategic lines of action, which more than destruction by confrontation with this entity, will lead to its annihilation by implosion. Never forgetting that this is not a religious war. More than anything else, it is a war on terror, intolerance and radicalism.


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How to Cite
FERREIRA DE SOUSA, F. X. The challenges imposed to Europe by the Islamic State. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 9, n. 35, p. 499-514/515, 31 Aug. 2015.
Artigos de Opinião
Author Biography

Francisco Xavier Ferreira de Sousa, Investigador integrado do OBSERVARE e associado do CISDI/IESM. Exército Português

Coronel Tirocinado de Cavalaria. É Licenciado e Mestre em Ciências Militares, pela AM e é Mestre em Estudos da Paz e da Guerra nas Novas Relações Internacionais, pela UAL. Possui o Curso de Promoção a Oficial General, o Curso de Estado Maior, o Curso de Auditores de Defesa Nacional e o Curso de Estudos Africanos. É investigador integrado do OBSERVARE e associado do CISDI/IESM.