United States, China and the power transition in the 21st century

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Eduardo Migowski


The objective of this paper is to understand the upsurge in global conflicts, especially those involving the two main world powers: China and the United States of America. Aiming this, the methodology sought to put in perspective the theories regarding power transition and the geopolitical strategy of the two main (global) powers, China and USA. The objective was that, in this way, the article could indicate which one best fits the current context. The conclusion of the study was, on the other way of what is being defended by a great part of the specialists, the geopolitics of the 21st century is not reediting the bipolar system, lived during the Cold War, but going through a transition crisis, typical of contexts in which there is the dispute between hegemonic and other ascending power, as occurred during the decades before World War I. It remains to be seen how this dynamic is going to be processed in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
MIGOWSKI, E. United States, China and the power transition in the 21st century. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 15, n. 53, p. 207-221, 7 May 2021.
Scientific Articles