Evolution of the peace operations doctrine and its implications in the foreign policy of Mexico

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Alejandro Posadas Martínez


The general objective of this paper is to identify the evolution of the United Nations Peace Operations doctrine and the implications it has had on the foreign policy of Mexico, during the period from 1848 to 2018, analyzing for this purpose the 104 Peace Operations deployed during those 70 years, making a comparative analysis with the foreign policy of the Mexican state developed during that period to determine if that evolution has had anything to do with the participation Mexico's intermittent Peace Operations and with its decision to increase, starting in 2015, the collaboration in pursuit of peace and international security in a determined and conditioned manner (humanitarian aid).


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How to Cite
MARTÍNEZ, A. P. Evolution of the peace operations doctrine and its implications in the foreign policy of Mexico. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 14, n. especial, p. 1-23, 31 Oct. 2020.
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