Based on the new editorial management initiated at the end of 2018, the CMM collects and makes available its main access, submissions and citations statistics.

The numbers refer to the submission year. As the CMM receives in a continuous flow, submissions that occur at the end of the year can be accepted or rejected only in the following year. In other words, the sum of accepted and rejected articles is not necessarily the total number of articles submitted in the year. Likewise, the data for 2020 are not yet fully consolidated and can be changed until the evaluations of submissions of the year are complete.

General Data


- 2020

Editorial Flow Accesse

Submissions: 43
Rejected in desk review: 12
Rejected after evaluation: 8*
Rejected after evaluation: 47%*
Published: 15 (n. 49, 50 e 51)

Visualizations: 51.188 (↑41%)
Sessions: 14.706 (↑49%)
Downloads: 28624

*in consolidation process


- 2019

Editorial Flow Accesse
Submissions: 26
Rejected in desk review: 7
Rejected after evaluation: 7
Rejection rate: 54%
Published: 15 (n. 46, 47 e 48)
Visualizations: 36.249 (↑79%)
Sessions: 9.874 (↑81%)
Downloads: data not available.


- 2018

Editorial Flow** Accesse
Published: 12 (n. 44 e 45) Visualizations: 20.281
Sessions: 5.457
Downloads: data not available.

** reestablishment of the editorial flow interrupted in 2016.


- Citations
Data acquired through Publish or Perish software

2007-2020 (all editions) 2017-2021 (h5)***
329 citations
h-index – 8
g-index – 10
25 citations
h-index – 3
g-index – 3

*** the CMM has not published six editions between 2016 and 2018, negatively impacting the h5-index.