The Grand Strategy changes in ways and means due to Information Operations and the threat to the interests of Brazil and Argentina

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Márcio Saldanha Walker
Horacio Sánchez Mariño


The objective of this work is the analysis of the Grand Strategy of the States by the capacity of Information Operations. Initially, the analysis focuses on the traditional role of ways, means and fines with military power in the constant interaction between States, the threat to its existence. In a second moment, the changes in the ways and means of transnational threats and the global commons will be detailed, under the effect of globalized technology and concepts vulnerable to the gray zone and the narrative. In a third point of analysis are the ways and means of the grand strategy of the main world states in multidomain and influence, which implies an extensive use of Information Operations in a great competition. Finally, the conclusions point out that the maintenance of the national interests of countries such as Brazil and Argentina require the adaptation of multi-domain military strategic doctrine with extensive use of Information Operations as the basis of its grand strategy.


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How to Cite
WALKER, M. S.; SÁNCHEZ MARIÑO, H. The Grand Strategy: changes in ways and means due to Information Operations and the threat to the interests of Brazil and Argentina. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 17, n. 60, p. 473-486, 1 Sep. 2023.
Scientific Articles