Building the Stairway to the Upper Chessboard BRICS as Brazilian foreign policy strategy

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Victor Carneiro Corrêa Vieira


Abandoning the position of observers, Brazil, Russia, India, China and later South Africa decided to develop what was once just an acronym invented by an investment bank and create a grouping of coordination among the major developing economies of the world, the BRICS. The group that seemed to limit itself to the use of rhetoric to demand reforms in the international system, proved in 2014 that with coordination and agency is possible to countries, as diverse as they are, align their interests to achieve a common goal, a soft reformism of the international system. The Fortaleza Summit succeeded in founding the basis for the New Development Bank, the Contingent Reserve Arrangement and the cooperation between the BRICS and UNASUR, with Brazil as its main articulator. The article analyzes how Brazil perceives the BRICS as a suitable forum to amplify the cooperation for development in the Global South, based on the question: what kind of leadership Brazil wishes to pursue from the BRICS in the Global South?



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How to Cite
CARNEIRO CORRÊA VIEIRA, V. Building the Stairway to the Upper Chessboard: BRICS as Brazilian foreign policy strategy. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 10, n. 37, p. 71-83, 22 Oct. 2019.
Scientific Articles