Military interaction with the interorganizational environment of a peace mission: the study of minustah

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Fábio Cordeiro Pacheco
André Sá e Benevides Arruda
Mauro Benedito de Santana Filho
André Luiz Viera Cassiano
Rogério Arriaga Muxfeldt
Erick Vaz de Castro
Daniel Muniz Gonçalves
Luiz Alexandre Vieira da Costa


The aim of this paper is to analyze the planning and implementation of interorganizational coordination within the framework of UN Peace Operations, electing the United Nations Stabilization Mission of Haiti - MINUSTAH as a case study. In this scope, the most important aspects of civil-military interaction are highlighted, as well as the main lessons learned. In order to achieve this objective, the available bibliography was visited and the personal experiences of the members of WG 16 were synthesized. For a better understanding of the subject, the evolution of peace operations under the aegis of the UN is emphasized, emphasizing the current unfolding profile. contemplates various civil structures permeating the missions. It is also emphasized the remarkable presence of other actors with different attributions and vocations in the environment of pacification. By choosing MINUSTAH as an object of study, it is possible to analyze the interaction of the military, particularly Brazilians, with the broad spectrum of civil organizations operating in Haiti. From this interorganizational interaction that has accumulated more than eight years, many lessons are learned and the most important reverberate in the following text. This product, in addition to providing a better understanding of the current deployment of peacekeeping missions, provides insight into the most relevant aspects that should be considered in preparing military capabilities for this type of military power projection. One can assume the importance of the subject by considering that Brazil is increasing its stature in the international community and will undoubtedly experience a significant increase in its responsibilities towards it.


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PACHECO, F. C.; ARRUDA, A. S. E B.; SANTANA FILHO, M. B. DE; CASSIANO, A. L. V.; MUXFELDT, R. A.; CASTRO, E. V. DE; GONÇALVES, D. M.; COSTA, L. A. V. DA. Military interaction with the interorganizational environment of a peace mission: the study of minustah. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 7, n. 28, p. 7-15, 19 Feb. 2013.