Need x availability of transport infrastructure for national defense

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Riyuzo Ikeda


The  issue  of  necessity  versus  avail-abilty  of  roads  and  raiways  for  national development is a priority that transcends governments, representing a State matter. This  study  analyses  the  unbalanced  ter-ritorial  distribution  of  the  Brazilian  ter-restrial infra-structure compared to some countries, as well as the  disproportional distribution  of  the  national  transporta-tion matrix. It also analyses the Brazilian Army’s importance and interest in the use of this infra-structure for the accomplish-ment  of  its  constitutional  mission,  and also the performance of the Cooperation Works System.


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IKEDA, R. Need x availability of transport infrastructure for national defense. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, n. 15, 1 Aug. 2007.
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