The influence of the adoption of a joint course on high military studies in the development of capabil

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Ridauto Lúcio Fernandes


This article examines the Military Strategic Leadership and its components, the situation of Courses on High Military Studies in Brazil and the effect of joint thought in strategic leadership. Reviewing the current available literature, focusing on the works from both Brazilian and foreign military sources, the author notes a relationship between the increment of joint thought and the development of the capacity for strategic leadership. At a later stage, fieldwork, military staff with experience of attending joint and individual High Studies Courses express their opinions on the practical effect of the binomial increase of joint work - increased capacity for strategic leadership. The methodology comprised, besides the literature review, the guiding of a qualitative work by applying a structured interview. The author concludes that the creation of a long-term joint course on military high studies or the broadening of joint work on current individual courses should result in the development of the capacity for strategic leadership in the Armed Forces in levels even higher than the current ones.


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How to Cite
FERNANDES, R. L. The influence of the adoption of a joint course on high military studies in the development of capabil. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 8, n. 31, p. 39-47, 30 Apr. 2014.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Ridauto Lúcio Fernandes, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil