Net supported Logistics: a proposal

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Ivan Ferreira Neiva Filho


The  Brazilian Army has undergone a transformation process that aims  to  bring  the  Land  Forces  from  the  Industrial  Age  to  the  Knowledge Age. In this context, the concept of Network Supported Combat  becomes  relevant,  considering  that  there  would  be  a  network communications that would connect the various sensors, decision makers and actuators, with information being shared by its members, reaching a high degree of effectiveness in combat. In this framework, the Military Land Logistics must seek to organize and  act  to  follow  the  paradigm,  at  the  risk  of  a  breakdown  in  operations  by  the  impossibility  of  providing  adequate  support.  After analyzing the concepts of complex systems, complexity and chaos, wich are the bases for understanding the new model, this paper proposes a new form of organization and employment of the  Military  Land  Logisitcs  System,  structuring  it  in  a  Logisitcs  Support   Network.   This   concept   enables   a   paradigm   shift:   from  the  current  logistics,  capital  and  manpower  intensive,  to  distribution  logisitcs,  transportation  and  information  intensive,  possessing   two   essential   characteristics   -   flexibility   and   resilience.  These  changes  will  impact  the  infrastructure  of  the  Logistics System, induce innovation and technological upgrading and require an evolution of the preparation of its human capital.


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How to Cite
NEIVA FILHO, I. F. Net supported Logistics: a proposal. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 7, n. 30, p. 171-181, 16 Dec. 2013.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Ivan Ferreira Neiva Filho, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Coronel de Material Bélico, aspirante da turma de 1985 da AMAN.