Metamorphosis of Terrorism

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Anselmo Melo Dias


In recent years terrorism has once again dominate the international agenda. The international community has witnessed successive violent demonstrations, and it is therefore appropriate to address the problems of this phenomenon and assess its changes over the years in order to identify the main differences. The conflict between States ceased to be the scene of armed conflicts, at least partially. The phenomenon of terrorism (re) arises but yet now on a global scale, surpassing tactical effects easily quantifiable and in a context where terrorism is presented as a violent action technique. This phenomenon, in itself, is not entirely new. Terrorism presents itself with a strategic reach capacity, not by actions but by its effects and consequences on a global scale and with significant impact on world public opinion. Thus, it is important to understand what are the main changes that terrorism has undergone over the last few years. This study consists in a holistic analysis methodology of terrorism concept, aiming to understand the concept itself and its adaptation in different moments in time. To this aim, an analogy between two different terrorism moments in time is made: during the Cold War, here designated by “traditional terrorism” and today’s terrorism, here designated by “contemporary terrorism”.


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How to Cite
DIAS, A. M. Metamorphosis of Terrorism. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 9, n. 36, p. 733-743/745, 9 Dec. 2015.
Scientific Articles
Author Biography

Anselmo Melo Dias, Exército Português, Lisboa, PO, Portugal

Major de Infantaria. É Licenciado em ciências militares, pela Academia Militar, Pós-Graduado em Informações e Segurança, e em Estudos da Guerra e da Paz nas Novas Relações Internacionais, pelo ISCSP e UAL. Mestre em Relações Internacionais e Doutorando em Estudos Estratégicos no ISCSP. Possui o Curso de Estado-Maior Conjunto e é investigador associado do CISDI/IESM.